
We offer sports statistics, social science statistics, and much more.

Professional Football Statistics

At Foundry Integrations we offer American Professional Football Statistics at rates lower than most others on the market. Foundry Integration's proprietary statistics are perfect for fantasy football.

[bg_collapse view="link" expand_text="Show More" collapse_text="Show Less"] Some examples of what you will get when you purchase our sport statistics are player stats, team stats, player profiles, player images, historical stats for players and teams, league news for use in analytics, fantasy management, and more [/bg_collapse]

Tier One: American Pro. Football Statistics

$6999 for Twenty Five Statistic Calls.

This option is for those who do not require up to the minute stats. Additionally your business chooses when it wants the calls.

Tier Two: American Pro. Football Statistics

$6999 for Hourly Statistic Calls.

For timely stats but up to the minute stats are not required.

Tier Three: American Pro. Football Statistics

$6999 for Thirty Second Statistic Calls.

This option is for when live statistics are required.

Custom Statistics

We can also provide many other types of statistics. We go beyond sports and further. Your imagination is the limit.

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With Foundry Integrations you will have access to a wide variety of statistics like you’ve never seen. Contact us for for a talk about pricing. Depending on the statistics, pricing may change slightly. Don’t fret though. Our prices are amongst the lowest on the market and our statistics can be used in an innumerable amount of ways. Let us talk soon.

You should know...

We Offer Hosting

Do not forget. Foundry Integrations offers fast and reliable hosting service at an affordable cost. Our servers are up to any task.

We build websites also.

If you are starting a business or have a business and don't have a website, call us. Well do it fora lower price than most.

Consulting for Your Site Needs

We are proficient in site management and offer a wide variety of help. Please contact us.

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